
Digital Transformation

Technologies have firmly entered our lives. It is hard to imagine any company that is not currently undergoing or planning digital transformation initiatives. The COVID19 outbreak serves as an additional imperative for companies to search for new innovative digital technology driven solutions for saving and reviving their businesses.

As the scale of digital investments grow, and new disruptive technologies such as Big Data, Analytics, IoT, AI, Cloud and Blockchain gain prominence, the business leaders will take an increasingly active role in making business decisions related to digital innovations and solutions.

Our digital transformation practice is focused on helping companies bridge this ‘rift’ between business and digital technologies. We work with companies that are ‘users of digital technologies’ helping them develop and execute on business value driven digital transformation roadmaps. We also work with the ‘providers of digital technologies’, the software vendors, by helping their sales teams articulate business value of their products and services in the Digital Technologies space

Our Digital Transformation engagements cover the complete cycle of identifying evaluating, and implementing digital technology solutions across the enterprise.

Our ‘Value Discovery’ methodology

  • takes a client’s business strategy as given
  • develops the process and technology implications in alignment with the strategy expectations
  • establishes a clear business case that demonstrates top line and bottom line benefits of digitalization, and
  • develops prioritized value driven transformation roadmaps that leverage quick win opportunities. The business benefits from such quick wins often serve to fund the subsequent stage investments
  • We also help in RFP preparation and Vendor selection to help our clients in choosing the right software and implementation partners

Our ‘Value Realization’ methodology is focused on

  • establishing KPI targets and tracking mechanisms at the beginning of the Transformation project
  • setting up Project Governance models ensure that the promised value is delivered at the end of the transformation project
  • overall program management of the transformation initiative, including change management

Interested in discussing a potential need? Connect with us

Technology sellers often struggle to articulate the value propositions of their products and services in terms of business benefits. As a result, they usually get confined to speaking to the technology teams of their clients, and find hard to reach the senior level decision makers from the lines of businesses.

Our high impact ‘Value Selling’ methodology for digital technology providers is designed to achieve the following results for our clients:

  • Demand Generation: Generate high quality conversations and leads using whitepapers, point of view documents, thought leadership insights, industry round tables and webinars, and many more.
  • Elevate the discussion: Reach C-Level Executives, business managers by demonstrating the business impact of technology with our point of view documents, outside-in value analysis.
  • Strengthen the Pipeline: Engage with key executives and decision makers early in the process. Build credibility from the beginning by driving the investment decisions in terms of returns, and a clear business case
  • Accelerate the Deal: Simple, clear message to the decision makers, articulate clear tangible and intangible benefits
  • Position as a Strategic Partner: Get called in to solve a business issue, and not just as a technology solution provider

Our phase wise approach, iterative design process in strong collaboration with key stakeholders, and the use of best of breed network optimization tools helps in arriving at risk mitigated design options that can start with quick wins. We also develop detailed roadmaps for the network design project to help staggering the investments and fund the subsequent stages using the returns from the initial quick wins.

Interested in discussing a potential need? Connect with us

Our Cases


Karl Storz Singapore

KARL STORZ is a German, family company, a global manufacturer and distributor of endoscopes, medical instruments, and devices. Their range of endoscopic instruments for human me ...

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Chloride Batteries South East Asia (A division of Exide International)

Chloride Batteries S E Asia is a part of the battery manufacturing group, Exide International. CBSEA enjoys a position of leadership in the automotive and industrial battery market ...

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AMANN Group is a privately held leading international manufacturer of high-quality sewing threads, embroidery threads and Smart Yarns with manufacturing centres in Europe and Asia. ...

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Defining a clear sales data strategy: a blueprint for success

As organizations continue to introduce new technologies, the amount of data they collect increases exponentially. Executive sales leadership needs to develop clear strategies for how best to use this data to drive their sales organizations to greater success. This starts with taking end-to-end ownership around sales data and partnering with, instead of delegating it to, IT and sales operations.

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The Top 5 IoT Trends For 2020

This report presents Ecosystm’s outlook for the Internet of Things (IoT) market in 2020 and the associated implications for tech buyers and tech vendors. The predictions are drawn from the findings of the global Ecosystm IoT and AI studies, and is also based on qualitative research by the analysts.

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Supply Chain Analytics: READY FOR THE BIG PUSH?

This report is focused on the analytics software market and specifically on the Supply Chain Analytics software segment. Based on the findings of the live and ongoing global Ecosystm Analytics Study 2017, the report aims to answer a few key questions that are relevant to both users of Supply Chain Analytics software and analytics software vendors.

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We are firm believers in #gamified, #experientiallearning using simulation games

We are firm believers in #gamifiedRead More