

The Superpower of End to End Supply Chain Understanding
Loading 4th May 2024

At ValueQwest, we provide specialized learning programs that covers the entire process of delivering a product or service from the initial raw material stage to the final consumer We model the complex dynamics of end-to-end supply chains to help part ...

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Swiftly navigating through market shifts
Loading 29th April 2024

Swiftly navigating through market shifts, our supply chain superheroes respond to disruptions with resilience. From demand spikes to supply crunches to unforeseen obstacles, they are the force that keeps things flowing seamlessly. Participants in ...

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The Superpower of Collaboration
Loading 24th April 2024

Supply chain superheroes understand the strength of unity. We educate how to collaborate across teams and multiple stakeholders, fostering partnerships that elevate the entire supply chain ecosystem. Whether it's local demand spikes or global sup ...

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Data Driven Decision Making as a Superpower
Loading 18th April 2024

Data-driven decision-making provides visibility into the entire supply chain. By analyzing historical data and market trends, organizations can make informed decisions, predictions, reduce risks and build resilience We ensure that our SuperHeros i ...

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The Superpower of Teamwork
Loading 15th April 2024

Teamwork is essential for the success of a supply chain, promoting collaboration, efficiency, innovation, and adaptability. In a complex and interconnected supply chain environment, the ability to work together towards common goals is a key driver of ...

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Explore the world of Supply Chain Management and strategic decision-making!
Loading June 21st to June 22nd, 2023

Meet our partners - Kaushik Ghatak, ramachandran kallankara, and GS Nathan - at the Celerity Supply Chain Tribe Conference! As part of ValueQwest Pte. Ltd. focus on people capability development in the supply chain and digital strategy domains, we ...

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Friday Musings: In search of Learning Outcomes
Loading 28-04-2023

Friday Musings: In search of Learning Outcomes Was having a discussion with a senior supply chain executive this week on capability building for his team. Specifically, on how to deliver high impact and long-lasting learning outcomes. It is a c ...

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Auto manufacturing at crossroads?
Loading 25-04-2023

Friday Insights: Auto manufacturing at crossroads? The race between EV and IC Engine Vehicles (ICV) is on, and EV is surely winning. Consumer demand is steadily tilting towards EV, many countries are stating aggressive commitments and offering ...

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China Plus One
Loading 19/04/2023

China Plus One We have been hearing that Vietnam has been one of the biggest beneficiary, of many companies’ ‘China +1’ strategy post Covid. As part of their quest for building more resilience into their supply chains. Vietnam has obvious ad ...

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